CHS Application through DSA
Dear Parent/ Guardian
Thank you for your son’s application to CHS through DSA.
Please know that we will be processing your application in the coming weeks. The staff-in-charge of the various DSA categories will contact you only if he is shortlisted for trials/ auditions/ interviews via email.
We have received an overwhelming number of applications and will carefully consider each one. If you do not receive a notification by 22 July for trials/ auditions and 13 August for interviews, it would mean that your son has not been shortlisted. We would like to encourage all students who are not shortlisted, to work towards a high level of achievement at PSLE, and we invite them to consider applying to CHS again post-PSLE.
Please refer to our webpage on DSA for more details on the selection criteria. If you have any further clarifications, please contact us at
Thank you.