Our Philosophy
A man well versed in the language and skills of mathematics is empowered to tackle challenges of the 21st century.
DSA and qualified high performing students talented in mathematics are developed via our Mathematics Interest & Talent Development Programme (MTDP). Many of our students may be in both MTDP as well as the science talent development programme, CΩERGY.
(Below from left to right: students at a TDP lessons_; students using computer simulation and mathematical modelling to develop problem-solving skills_)
Department’s Vision & Mission
- Vision: Inquisitive gentlemen with analytical minds, and who appreciate mathematics theories and apply them in life.
- Mission: Develop students with creative minds and a positive attitude towards Mathematics, who can reason and communicate logically to solve real-world problems.
Department Framework
The department stresses on building strong conceptual understanding, skills proficiency and positive attitudes. This is achieved by providing students the opportunity to learn through self-exploration, mathematical discourse and independent learning. For example, students work independently and collaboratively to solve problems in authentic real-world settings. Presentations in class and other platforms allow students to use mathematical terms to communicate and reason logically. Students develop meta-cognition as they are also encouraged to think about their learning through alternative assessments such as performance tasks.
Talent Development and Enrichment Programmes:
Mathematics Research (Math-REACH) – Students will attend a series of training to equip them with mathematics research skills. Thereafter, they will embark on a self-directed learning journey where they investigate a mathematical problem of their interest and learn advanced mathematical concepts required in this particular research.
Mathematical Modelling – International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (Singapore) allows students to be equipped with skills to create a mathematical model and solve problems from real-world scenarios.
Statistical Research – In this research, students use a variety of statistics knowledge to plan, collect and analyse their data to present meaningful findings for a real-world scenario context problem.
Mathematics Training, Workshops and Competitions –Training, workshops and competitions emphasise on problem solving, creativity and developing students’ interest in the learning of mathematics. Some examples of competitions are Singapore Mathematics Olympiad, International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) and Singapore Mathematics Project Festival. Workshops on mathematical investigations, puzzles and paradoxes are also conducted to encourage critical thinking.
External Collaboration – In close collaboration with Young Defence Scientists Programme (YDSP), Catholic High School MTDP aims to nurture students’ passion in areas such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and Python Programming. Through this collaboration, students are able to gain valuable insights and be inspired to apply the knowledge that they learnt on real life engineering, infocomm technology and cybersecurity.